• November 2nd, decided I should have a news section. Existing dolls will get a little bit broken, but needed to be able to have some glasses/accesories layers OVER the hair and not under it. You'll see what I mean.
  • December 9th. Holy shit. I forgot this exited. Fuck. Uh. From now on I'll just let the wranglers remind me to write here, slash tell me what to write.
  • +Hair. So much hair.
  • +Mouths. So many mouths.
  • +We still don't know where these body parts come from. They just show up and it's scaring us.
  • +Human's have reasonable color palettes instead of randomly generated nightmares.
  • +More echeladder levels available.
  • +We went to home depot and got a fuckton of new ladders. Knock yourselves out kids
  • Shit ton of doll parts added, including dog ears.
  • +We took the broken bodies away and put them where no one can find them.
  • More parts. And Monster Pocket Maker by Frew
  • 12/27/17, Holy fuck, I finally got around to standardizing the doll page to the point where I only need ONE page to handle all dolls.

    This was needed because the saved dolls now include an 'edit' link instead of making you manually copy the save data and put it in the right url.

    PAY ATTENTION TO THIS: It will SEEM like your saved doll urls will be broken. This will not actually be true. I'm going to step you through converting them.

    Your old URL will look like this: http://farragofiction.com/DollSim/troll_index.html?AiA7IDQ6IDQqECMhPCTcX2c3Pk7-10351005IDQCAABYWlrS0dGJiIgAAACIiIiYmZkhJiYGCBIEAAmqaWiwsGgAAADAwAAAACAEAAA=

    Maybe it will say "consort_index.html" maybe it will say "denizen_index.html". I don't care.

    All you need to do is make it say index.html. Like this:


    Got it?

    12/28/17: Finally took a day to try to fix all the various minor and not minor rendering bugs. Stray pixels should matter less, images should resize more correctly, the whole nine yards.

    1/3/17: Two new related doll sets. Pigeon by Xexus, and Hiveswap by MadCreativity. Both are a bit sparse on parts for now, but I expect more and more to exist in the coming weeks.

    1/21/17: mostly been new parts, but this week we have two new doll sets: Satyrs by PopoMerrygamz (insufferableOracle on discord) and Superbsuck by KingWongle.

    1/23/17: You guys are so fucking awesome, practically drowning me in new art. Have this Tool to make things flow smoother on both our parts. It will let you view your part ahead of time, so you can test position and color and all that good shit. If you get creative you can even test shit it was never meant to do.

    2/4/18: Troll mutant eyes no longer stick around even as you randomize shit, and we have a new TrollCall (or TrollCards) sized for non hiveswap Dolls courtesy of Ancient.

    2/20/18: more and more doll parts

    3/10/18: Cherub maker by Neytra!

    3/11/18: Fuck ton of more doll parts.

    4/2/18: So many doll parts, and a Virus Maker by Peanut Brittle!
    Planned future features include a better way to pick what kind of doll you want and an automatic way to list all parts for a specific doll type.

    4/8/18: Signless dolls not work for all the char sheets, and saved dolls should consistently render.

    4/21/18: Thanks to TG the ideasWrangler for suggesting this pesterlog maker!

    4/30/18: More doll parts and a Dog Maker by spinningDisks and a Talksprite Maker by Azuki!

    5/3/18: There's now a disclaimer on the doll maker, the talented artists who contribute parts here do NOT want their hard work being sold. No dollsim sprite or sprite part should be sold for any amount (real or virtual).

    5/6/18: spent the weekend making egg and :hatched_chick: dolls myself. Very relaxing.

    5/8/18: Realized I spent way too much time cycling through random dolls, decided to make a Zen Mode. Individual dolls have links to zen modes just of that type, too.

    5/13/18: Some dolls can transform into other dolls (but which ones, and how???)

    5/17/18: Happy server anniversary, have some doll alchemy/breeding.

    5/18/18: Ectobiology is a thing now, too!

    5/21/18: Huge set of new dolls, going to try to make a page for testing and uploading your doll parts to make slurps easier.

    5/27/18: Okay. So, me and DilletantMathematician collaborated to make the new PARTS UPLOADER! You can upload parts specifically for a dollset by clicking on teh "contribute parts" link on that doll's page.

    5/28/18: Cat Doll Set.

    6/1/18: First post doll uploader slurp, WAY easier on me.

    Also, troll calls now retint the page when you load a doll, and the text changes (and the text will always be the same for the same doll).

    6/11/18: Wow, you guys really like the new uploader, don't you. There was like, 500 new parts in there after just a week.

    6/24/18: Doll save strings have been upgraded to allow for more than 255 (or 510 in a few cases) parts per layer, and you even get to name your doll for ease of use.
    Also, having question marks in your dolls name no longer crashes shit. Or as manic put it,'+Uncertainty in naming your wriggler will cause reality to break. Please be certain about what you want to name them'

    7/20/18: IRL shit is keeping me from working too much on stressful, complicated things, but ParadoxLands came through and pushed out a rendering update for dolls that sped them up. Hell yes :) :) :)

    8/2/18: More or less an easter egg but now you can force trolls to have a given caste or signa> when you randomize them. You can also see links for specifics on the Troll Page itself (if there is currently a Burgundy Troll with sign 3, for example, there will be links to see more Burgundy Trolls, or more with sign 3).

    8/7/2018: Cherub bodies will save now, but you'll need to resave the dolls for it to stick.

    Also, There are CrockerTier and Corrupt palettes now for dolls, as well as a huge month + slurp of parts (wow there's a lot more Ancestor and Fek parts, in addition to the normal slew of Kid/Troll etc parts. Satyrs got an update, too.).

    8/8/2018: For Vriska day I made an Containment Generator for any doll.

    9/18/2018: Another slurp, duck dolls and smol dolls and Lamia dolls ahoy.

    11/18/18: What even is news. Have I done slurps since September? Maybe? There's a new slurp again.